Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Mak's Gems of Wisdom

“Jangan tunjuk budak tu depan cermin nanti dia gagap” it was immediately after this advice I decided to filter most everything of mak wisdom of thought. Did your mum’s tell you not to cut your nails at a nighttime, they never explained to you the reason, but you just can’t do it because they said so and their mum’s (our nenek said so too…). My nenek use to say “anak si esah sorang ni selalu tak nak dengar orang tua cakap” as I always refuse to obey any of her advice.

For a while I avoided mak and nenek advice but one day when my nephew cuts his finger while playing at the broken mirror I realized that there must be a reason behind the do’s and the don’t that been command by them.. When something happen against their commandment the will burst any of us (my siblings) with their enchanted word “kan aku dah kata…….”. Since then mak has come through for me time after time, offering me ‘in’valuable words of wisdom. I have to face the fact that my mak child rearing knowledge has comes from years of hands on experience taking care the eight of us (I always proud of my mak)

Since the basics of raising child haven’t change since 100 years ago. They still sleep (if you are lucky enough….) , they still need food (although sometimes they smash and throw it on the floor), they still need the strive for love (comolot in my case!), they still pee and poo and puke, pick up every little things on the floor (I really meant teeny tiny things like bugs and lima sen coints) and leave you exhausted with worry ( the whole paragraph sound sooooo adventure kan…). So its seems to me that I can benefit from the experience our own mother (mak, umi, ibu, mummy, abu (for amna only)) accumulated.

Listed below is my Mak Gems of motherly thought :-

1. Jangan bawa baby keluar waktu senja nanti demam

2. Jangan tunjuk sangat baby kita ( in any formlah) dlm gambar ke, jalan-jalan . Mak kata nanti nanti baby tu sakit demam sebab selalu dipuji (dimata mata ) orang. (i know this sound sooo apakah! since i upload most of amna and raeez picture at FB and lets people say alallalalallala gerammmmnya)

3. Jangan tegur kalau anak kita debab (simpan dlm hati jek) sebab nanti badan dia susut.

4. Jangan mandikan baby pagi-pagi sangat sebab nanti batuk ( i kinda agree with this)

5. Letak paku atau gunting atau anything yg tajam bawah bantal baby yang masih dalam pantang sebab nanti hantu setan takut.

P/S - Yes my mak and nenek is typical malay. me too....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Common Things people said to me kat rumah orang kawin

here come the list :-

1. awak anak siapa? it easy to explain when my mak beside me, i can just point at her, tapi kalau pegi rumah cousin my MIL, its really hard to explain, the description part become harder when you didnt know the person who ask...

2. dulu sekeping je awak...sekarang...

3. Dah kawin ke? (amna tengah menyusu on my nap and raeez is pulling my baju)

4. oh dah boleh pakai kebaya dah...(hahaha so funny)

5. Ya Allah lainnya kau sekarang (as if i'm Anita Sarawak)

6. ni husband awak ye (pointed at my elder brother) apakah!

7. o awak anak cik yem ye kita x kenal awak sangat sebab masa kecik awak....

8. awak yang dulu2 masa kecik rambut besar tu kan (this is so haha and haha)

9. awak ni cousin saya kan? (emmm adakah?...hahahha)

10. husband awak orang mana?

11. dah dapat dah bunga telur?, dah tengok bilik pengantin?, dah tengok pelamin? pegilah amik gambar dengan pengantin (perlukah? hummmm....

12. ni nak kenalkan ni makcik *&^#&# sedara kita sebelah*&^%$ nenek dia dgn sepupu mak awak*#&#"#"& anak2 awak ikut muka siapa ni ? (huummmm, lil bit offensive question ni)

14. taik lalat awak bukan kat dagu sebelah kanan ke? (ye saya memindahkanya mengikut kesesuaian waktu)

15.dah jumpa mak pengantin ke...(untuk?...)

The Trying so hard list...

i know a couple of people who constantly suffer from Trying Too Hard, and it is kind of difficult for me to be around. Trying Too Hard comes in many forms, including :-

1. Trying so hard to be funny that you’re not

2. Trying so hard to fit into the family that you don’t, and trying so hard to be cool that you’re not

3.Trying too hard to look filthy rich while u are not

4. Trying so hard wearing Gucci, Prada and LV while you using the most credilt limit of your credit card...hahaha...

5. Trying so hard to look happy while you are sad (sometimes be good)

6. Trying so hard to overdress their kids with branded cloth while at the end of the month they will miss some of the bills....

7. Trying so hard to look in love while they are in the middle of crisis...

8. Trying so hard to look innocent while you are having an affair with another girl...

9. Trying so hard to be "siqah" while they post in their uncovered aurah in you FB album

10. Trying so hard to give advice that might hurt others....

"why are trying so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out" — Oliver James if there is any of my writing hurts you literally or melancholicly (apakah) please ignore that feeling because you just trying so hard to hate me while you are not...hahhahahah....

The Good and the bad

Good : K.farah came and clean the house, she is awesome!
Bad : my desk is a MESS....files and papers and letters and forms and ultraman are all over the place....

Good : I wore “Bata” shoes comfortably! I bought the same “bata” shoes again and again....
Bad : some people think wearing “bata” is cheapskate :P ... i dont give a damn about what people say as long as i have my so call “pemanis taik lalat” by my dagu...”apakah” (some will hate this statement i know)...but do i look like i care?

Bad : Raeez ask me for kopi janda! “ibu abang nak kopi janda”
Good : when I ask raeez “abg janda tu apa” He said “janda tu teh kan ibu” it’s good enough for me to hear that from my 3 going to 4 years son….

Good : Mr. Andy bought me bouquet of carnation…”apakah!”
Bad : Raeez smashed the carnation on the wall :P

Good : I ate at nasi kandar line clear yesterday at Penang, layan beb…..
Bad : the smells sticks more than my perfume

Good : I sang “goyang inul” quite well now…
Bad : my SIL sang (and goyang gerudi) better, “apakah”

Good : didn’t trip or fall all day
Bad : i miss all my uni girlfriends – amoi, nadya, ronnie, k.ayam, ayu & anggun si gila....

Good : still alive
Bad : Delaying prayers... "Ampunkan saya ya Allah"

List of thing i wish i can say outloud at the driving range

1. golf is a waste of good land

2. All of you is a bunch of boroi men!

3. korang main sepak raga pun boleh berpeluh tau!

4. why waste my time? (this is personal)

5. i wish i can trade your golf set with a new diamond ring.....

6. Please dont talk about handicap with me coz i dont give a darn!

7. golf is just similar as having an affair with another women...

8. why do you need putters, wood or iron just to hit the small white stupid

9. 100 stupid white small balls makes me sick and you adding amother 100 OMF!

10. golfers smell like stinky fish

11. alo is night time why do you still wear your smelly unwashable cap...

12. pakcik i'm married! n husband saya pun tengah main pukul bola yang bodoh itu....

13. suka ati sayalah sy nak tutup idung bila korang jalan, korang si boroi yg busuk...

14. 50 yard...60 yard , 100 yard... pooooorrrrahhhhhhh......aku baling pun sampai...

15. wasting...wasting...wasting...huhuhhuhu of for now....he finish with 100 biji bola......ada plak org suggest another 100...aku pukul kang pakcik ni ngan kayu golf....

35 Things i wish/have to do before i turn 35

1. Sponsor Mak, Nenek, Mama(MIL), Ayah(FIL), kak lin pegi Umrah or Haji

2. Learn to read quran with taranum and tajwid

3. 500k of saving accounts (really mean saving account)

4. 5 days 4 nite vacation with my girlfriends - Ronnie, K.ayam, Amoi, K, CT,Mas, Linda, Jieha, Ojie, Ria 5. Climb Kinabalu (its a must)

6. get pregnant with twins

7. Attending Raeez and Amna best Student Award

8. Bake my own cookies

9. make my own rendang, ketupat, jeruk petai and ikan pekasam

10. stop straightened my hair.

11. Lasic surgery or wear a contact lens

13. manage to settle my PTPTN loan.

14. Learn how to belly dance, salsa and tango

15. quit my job

16. write my own blog

17. flat tummy, hot body like Angelina Jolie

18. Drive my own BMW

19. Learn a foreign language

20. have my own childcare center (i love children soo much)

21. get paid and doing nothing

22. Have my own tahfiz centre

23. memorize all the juz 'amma by heart a good friends of my enemy and haters

25. watch all P. Ramlee film

26. cook with Chef Wan

27. SKII

28. climb moutains with my ARCian

29. sew my own or my lil amna baju kurung

30. make a short movie and post it at youtube

31. have my own DSLR camera and take a good picture

32. performing my 5 time prayer on time

33. love and always in love with Mr. Andy

34. strictly recycle and get green 35. still alive

List of Thing that i never said outloud!

List of things I haven’t said out loud. Maybe I should have said some of these things, maybe it’s good that I didn’t, but here they are without any further commentary. Just get the ideas from one of the bloggers:0 1.

I wish I never add you at my facebook

2. This is ALL YOUR FAULT.

3. “saya rasa ustaz yang patut bersujud untuk buat keputusan bukan saya”

4. I made the mistake of trusting you, but I won’t make that mistake with you again.

5. You think that I was really rude to you, but I was actually trying my absolute hardest to be polite to you even though I hate you.

6. I am purposely don’t reply to your ASAP email and don’t pick up your phone because you are sucks!

7. “saya peduli apa kalau awak sakit jantung pun”

8. I wish I had ignored you.

9. I wish I hadn’t been afraid to share more of myself with you.

10. I wish your kids poop in her most loveable dress.

11. I’m not sorry for disliking you, but I am sorry for being so mean to you

12. I know you will not pass the subject even you sit for special exam.

13. I think your kid is weird too.

14. Because you are allowed to transfer more than 6 subject from your diploma doesn’t mean you are clever than others.
15. Please don’t “mencapap” at my office.

16. You are so annoying Dr.! Please don’t ask about bonus anymore.

17. “I wish i can fail all Singaporean students, because you guys are so Kiasu... 18. Your kebab smell like “ketiak...”

19. Dr. ****** please get out from my office because you are so smelly!

20. I’m sorry I blamed you, even though it was my fault.

Confession of a Tired ibu!

I know I'm not the only mom that has experienced and felt some of the things you'll read about. I'm hoping my confessions will help and encourage each other that we are not alone. Women, since the dawn of time, have experienced the challenges and rewards of motherhood...and we are no different today.

1. I confess that I try to start each day in a good mood, but sometimes that starts sliding during the first few minutes of interaction with my husband, my children and my maid…..

2. I confess that I hate the boss of my husband and work more than anything else in this world….(not the time when she gave him a good damn bonus)

3. I confess that I wondered that my lil Raez (3yrs old) would ever get potty trained….

4. I confess that most of the time I think I’m not a good mother for letting my maid bathing my children…

5. I confess that that I purposely go to work just to get a few hours of relaxation…

6. I confess that I miss my pre-child moments….(selfish me)…. I confess that I cried a few times today in front of my colleague because I felt so restless and lifeless….

7. I confess that I love and appreciate my mother more now… I confess that I really respect and admire all mommies around the world as motherhood is the most challenging work on earth …

8. I confess that climbing mountains is much easier than take care of my asthmatics duo….(even not Trans Titiwangsa)

9. I confess that I try so hard to be a good mother until I forget that I have a helper at home…

10. I confess that I love my children more than I love my husband and even myself…

11. I confess that I love the fact that I take care of my children than my maid…..

12. I confess that I lost a few Kg after one week restless night….

13. I confess that I am emotionally and physically tired….

14. I confess that i love my confession...