List of things I haven’t said out loud. Maybe I should have said some of these things, maybe it’s good that I didn’t, but here they are without any further commentary. Just get the ideas from one of the bloggers:0 1.
I wish I never add you at my facebook
2. This is ALL YOUR FAULT.
3. “saya rasa ustaz yang patut bersujud untuk buat keputusan bukan saya”
4. I made the mistake of trusting you, but I won’t make that mistake with you again.
5. You think that I was really rude to you, but I was actually trying my absolute hardest to be polite to you even though I hate you.
6. I am purposely don’t reply to your ASAP email and don’t pick up your phone because you are sucks!
7. “saya peduli apa kalau awak sakit jantung pun”
8. I wish I had ignored you.
9. I wish I hadn’t been afraid to share more of myself with you.
10. I wish your kids poop in her most loveable dress.
11. I’m not sorry for disliking you, but I am sorry for being so mean to you
12. I know you will not pass the subject even you sit for special exam.
13. I think your kid is weird too.
14. Because you are allowed to transfer more than 6 subject from your diploma doesn’t mean you are clever than others.
15. Please don’t “mencapap” at my office.
16. You are so annoying Dr.! Please don’t ask about bonus anymore.
17. “I wish i can fail all Singaporean students, because you guys are so Kiasu... 18. Your kebab smell like “ketiak...”
19. Dr. ****** please get out from my office because you are so smelly!
20. I’m sorry I blamed you, even though it was my fault.
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