Love is Ibu.....

- Love is cleaning the stain on the bed sheet, changing the pyjamas, give them ventolin, Zyrtex and Prospan in the middle of the night, then again at 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m.
- Love is putting fish ball on anything as long as they'll eat it!
- Love knows how to disguise vegetables 30 different ways.
- Love is reading the same bedtime story for the 999th time.
- Love is a hug around the knees.
- Love is buying RM10 durian at every pasar malam
- Love is watching, knowing, buying Ultraman
- Love is dukung Amna all the way at Shopping complex
- Love is not frown through the dirtiest of diapers
- Love is matching baju kurung for this coming raya
- Love is the magic kiss that heals all owies
- Love is a cuddly kid in a blanket sleeper.
- Love is the first kick, first smile, first laugh, first step, first anything.
- Love is for all the making up stories in the bathroom…(abang tau x semalam kan ibu jumpa crocodile makan elephant!)
- Love is carrying them down the stairs to make them comfortable
- Love is your child pointing to a picture of Sharifah Eja and saying “ni ibu kan”
- Love is your child sound asleep, any child sound asleep.
- Love is animal’s stories and animal planet.
- Love is wearing the stain and smell of puke on your top with pride
- Love is how to get rid the euuuwww smell with febreez
- Love is a CalciYum, a Chuppa Cup kiss, a chocolate kiss, any kind of kiss.
- Love is when Cosmos and Gaia replace Tom Cruise & Richard Gere as your most admired men. Oh Remy Ishak!
- Love is not worrying about those few extra pounds cuz they make you cuddlier.
- Love is still eating while Amna puke on the dining table
- Love is the smell of a baby's neck.
- Love is hot pants and Ben 10
- Love is KLCC, tunnel and parking lot
- Love is twinkle twinkle lil star
- Love is saying no at the right times when it is easier to say yes.
- Love is saying yes at the right times when it's easier to say no
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