Tomorrow on 2/12/2010 my ex boyfriend (Mr.Andy) and I will have been married for five years. We’ve been together for eight years total.
That’s more than a quarter of my life. Wow!
My life has changed in so many ways since and because Mr. Andy and I are married. I watch PGA Tour games now. I cheer for the golfers. I know the names of the Golf Course and the price too (this is so booooooooooooooooooo!). I know which is Lin Danand which is Chong Wei (buta sukan!) I ate Tempoyak and ikan sungai, I know about Ventolin inhaler, there are little things too, like we bought houses and have Raeez and Amna the greatest achievement ever!
Mr. Andy and I disagree, and we do fight sometimes, and when we fight we really really fight! But Mr. Andy makes me laugh. All the time. At stupid things like radio commercial, the sales girl, the special gift etc. We like to imagine weird things too (it’s ok i keep it secret Mr. Andy). We are very different, but we can always make each other laugh, and I think we’ll always have that.
I just hope that me and Mr.Andy will be in love forever, and may enter the Jannah together as he always said “kalau sebab awak abang masuk neraka siap awak!” huhuhuhu i just dont wanna be a good mother i wanna be a good wife too........
Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful.
P/S : maybe I’ll write a romantic post “gunung sanggup kudaki lautan sanggup ku renangi at our 10th anniversary”
sooooo sweeeettttttt.....
romantic rupanya puan ila ni...
booooo GOLF~
booooo GOLF!!! but i love VW Golf GTi haha~
- u know me-
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