Here I am 9 month before leaving you, wondering how I can sum you up. Twenties is the year where I grow up surrounding with love and knowing great people.
When we met I’m just innocent Uni. student who just get to know Arabic :P, mingle with the TLC, knowing the meaning of usrah, tazkirah, wearing a head scarf and being a good (I mean it!) muslimah. I made some of great ARCian family to this day in that first year. I learned a lot from this group of people who is the Mountain freak from the day I climbed Gunung Ledang, I knew this new family of mine will be part of my life forever.
From you I graduated, get into the new chapter of responsibility, I had my first job and hate it so much!, but I love the fact that I learned to live with 8 others girl s at Taman Melati, they are just the craziest girl turn mommies I know, we cook, we laughed, we spy (special case for Siti Rahayu, I got my eye on you babe!) and we cried together. I love you gals!
Twenties love, the half time we spend together I got married to Mr. Andy and being a mom to Raeez and Amna. I love the feeling of being a mom, this two angle of mine taught me the real meaning of life, I slept less, eat less, learn to say no, and being immune to poo and puke.( I will not write anything about Mr. Andy since he don’t allowed me to tell the WORLD about us, Thank you for being a fun husband and father!.
I learned a lot about myself from you, I learned that I’m even more stubborn than I previously thought. I learned that I can dig myself out of worse situations than I thought. I learned that I’m strong. I learned how to cook from you, how to tell a good joke, how to make friends. I learned tolerance, both of people and of Hantu. I learned that forgiveness is more that holding a grudge. Sometimes it’s ok to drop out of things, give up on things, give it less than my best. Sometimes I don’t have to care about every single thing. I learned that I’m fine with walking away sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.
Twenties, thanks for everything that you’ve given my future. I’ve accepted the passing of my twenties now and learned to embrace my thirties with confidence and humor and of cause “amal soleh”.
P/S : I always wanna go to Jannah! Semoga Allah menerima semua amalanku!
1 comment:
i hate ruzielah and shairunniza to the bone!!!hhahaha..i love u lah iela..tq 20s..i am more than eager to leave 20s...love you ..i know u r always there thru thick n thin
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