Thursday, January 13, 2011

Say No to Gossip Campaign!

As to stop gossiping is one (or maybe one :) of my 2011 resolution i will share with all of you a few tips that i found on the website, articles or even from my previous Ustaz or Ustazah, nasihat daripada saudara mara terdekat yang juga kadang kala gossip bersama dan juga base on my own experience. Frankly said i dont consider myself as 'guru' of gossip because most of the time i'll only be the fine listener who maybe add spices, sugar and salt to make it taste better. Allah Ta'ala befirman"Orang-orang mu'min ialah orang-orang yang berpaling dari kata-kata yang tidak berguna." (al-Mu'minun: 3)" (mode sangat insaf!) Allah befirman lagi "Dan apabila engkau melihat orang-orang yang memperolok-olokkan keterangan-keterangan Kami, hendaklah engkau menghindarkan diri dari mereka itu, sehingga mereka membicarakan perkara yang lain. Dan jikalau engkau terlupa karena godaan syaitan, janganlah engkau terus duduk sesudah teringat itu bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang menganiaya -diri sendiri-." (al-An'am: 68) . (Ampunkan aku Ya Allah aku leka, aku lupa....).

So why do some of us love to gossip? busybody, nosey neighbours, trying to discover the latest happening, melodi and etc.....sebabnya ialah sebab gossip adalah fun di dunia! (tapi bukan akhirat ya, harap maklum)......ila selalu bergurau dengan kawan masa kat uni dulu "nanti kalau kat akhirat nanti awak jadi kayu api bebara, masuk neraka, sila jangan panggil-panggil kita bila lalu titian siratal mustakim ya, sebabnya kita nak concetrate meniti nak masuk syurga" boleh? so here is the tips :-

  1. Ingat Neraka adalah sangat sangat panas lebih panas dari cuka getah. :P
  2. When someone approaches you and asks if you know so and so or if you know the latest about so and so, try to avoid hearing the gossip in the first place. Quickly praise the person. Say you think the person is nice. Say that you think the person is doing a good job at whatever task. Hopefully, this will stop the gossip train dead on its tracks.
  3. Watch out for the places where gossip is more likely to spread, the workplace cafeteria, the workplace pantries, kenduri kawin, kenduri tahlil, housewarming jiran, reunion sekolah lama etc. Also beware of the people who like to gossip the most. When you see a person who is a known gossiper coming, be ready to start the conversation off yourself.
  4. Wear a batch saying "I stop Gossiping, Ask Me Why!"
  5. Be blunt and begin telling people you do not like to gossip. Yes, this could loose you some so called friends. But do you really want friends who spend their time talking about other people behind their backs? Remember eventually their conversations will be about you, when you aren't around to defend yourself. lepas ni mesti orang kata " dia tu konon nak berhenti gossip, nak nasihat orang konon, solat pun lambat, ada hati tak nak gossip lagi, ingat dia tu bagus sangat ke, kalau dia taknak gossip i ada banyak lagilah kawan yang nak jadi roomate i di Narrr....
  6. Bawa bersama ear phone pada mana2 majlis keramaian, dan bila Miss Gossipper datang avoid them seperti pura pura busy
  7. .Dont meditate on other fault. "ye dia tu pakai tudung dulu, sekarang dah free hair, apalah nak jadi? Why should you care? kalau betul kamu peduli atas alasan sesama muslim berterus terang and say it to the face. kalau dia terima Alhamdulillah, kalau dia marahlantak dia lah. (ingatkan diri saya juga?).
  8. .See the Good In Others. "Dulu dia pernah teman aku beli tiket dekat Pudu balik Gopeng,sekarang ni aku gossip sebab dia beli satria neo, "haiii jahatnya aku, jahatnya aku (ala stacy)"
  9. Positive thinking. "Dia tu attention seeker sungguh, kalau becakap bergegar satu taman" as what you dont know this person that you gossiping about ada hearing problem, dia gunaearphone kecik kat dalam tudung, kan dah dosa.
  10. If the gossipers will not stop, say something cute,like:
  • "You dah ganti tempat Michelle jadi pengacara Melodi?,
  • Eh anak you main lipstick youlah, baik you check them out first,
  • Jomlah kita tanya dia betul ke husband dia belikan dia kereta Porshe kaler merah guna duit haram?
  • You, boleh tak i tinggalkan recorder i kat sini nanti later2 nanti i dengar you cakap pegang handphone i ni kejap i tolong orang buat kerja kat dapur.....
P/S : help me to will help you! ingatkan saya kawan!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday Lesson

  1. I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
  2. I've learned that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts
  3. I''ve learned that i can forgive but i'll never forget
  4. I've learned that i've gain weight more than i loss it :P
  5. I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
  6. I've learned that coffee is best in black
  7. I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
  8. I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.
  9. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel
  10. I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. -i'm sorry if i've hurt you! yes anyone of you!
  11. I've learned that i have to cut my nails at least twice a week
  12. I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.
  13. I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
  14. I've learned that the people you care about most in life are sometimes taken from you too soon.
  15. I've learned that you cannot make someone love you or hate you!
  16. I've learned that i have to cut my nails at least twice a week.
  17. I've Learned that even if your kids say that they hate you, they never mean it.

P/S : i should have listed more, but i've learned that people will get bored reading!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dear you,,

Dear you,

I guess you have suffered enough for everything that happen to you,
For all this year i want you to know that i never hate you for the chaos you had done to me,
you makes me a better me, i know you been facing a hardtime right now and i feel very sorry for that. i really hope that one day you can escape from this situation, i really do.

You deserved my forgiveness just as much as i need to rid the pain and suffering of unforgiveness from my heart and mind!

I forgive you! yes i do! so move on and keep gaining weight!

P/S : happy me!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

simply "anu"

Anu? cuba describe apa makna kalimah anu pada pandangan anda? sebagai anak jati Johor, selain perkataan "ek" perkataan "anu" adalah ungkapan atau ayat yang selalu disebut dalam hampir setiap ayat, tapi as dah terjadi orang KL sangat lama akak tak gunakanya. Last week akak balik JB nak tegelak pulak bila Pak Chik Amna a.k.a my brother tanya kat Amna "sapa anu amna ni?" pastu Pak Uda pulak tanya (My brother also) "abang raeez anu amna ke?" amna pun jadi pelik sebab konfius nak define "anu". "anu dalam konteks ni ialah "buat" kedua2 meereka nak tanya sapa buat amna, tapi disebabkan otak tak dapat mengeluarkan pekataan buat so pekataan "anu" digantikan.

Antara manusia yang paling suka menggunakan pekataan anu ialah nenek saya Pn Fadhlon (glamer kan nama dia) dia suka suruh orang isi tempat kosong dengan memahami "anu" yang dia maksudkan, anatarnya nenek suka cakap :-

  • "kau dah suruh dah dia anu baju kau?"
  • "tadi nek jumpa anu tu dia nak pegi anu, lama juga dia pergi"
  • "anu tu, tadi dia uang bagi kuih ni"
  • "beli gula sebungkus, tepung, lada 50 se dengan anu 2 ringgit"
kat Johor perkataan anu bisanya digunakan merujuk kepada perkara2 yang kita susah nak orally define, bendanya ada di kepala tapi mulut tak dapat lafazkan, so anu boleh jadi apa sahaja tidak terbatas kepada orang atau benda.

So be prepare kalau nak bekeluarga dengan orang Johor mungkin anda adalah "anu" yang dimaksudkan.

P/S : BM saya A1 masa SPM dan saya merasa skema sekarang.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dear XX'ies',

Here I am 9 month before leaving you, wondering how I can sum you up. Twenties is the year where I grow up surrounding with love and knowing great people.

When we met I’m just innocent Uni. student who just get to know Arabic :P, mingle with the TLC, knowing the meaning of usrah, tazkirah, wearing a head scarf and being a good (I mean it!) muslimah. I made some of great ARCian family to this day in that first year. I learned a lot from this group of people who is the Mountain freak from the day I climbed Gunung Ledang, I knew this new family of mine will be part of my life forever.

From you I graduated, get into the new chapter of responsibility, I had my first job and hate it so much!, but I love the fact that I learned to live with 8 others girl s at Taman Melati, they are just the craziest girl turn mommies I know, we cook, we laughed, we spy (special case for Siti Rahayu, I got my eye on you babe!) and we cried together. I love you gals!

Twenties love, the half time we spend together I got married to Mr. Andy and being a mom to Raeez and Amna. I love the feeling of being a mom, this two angle of mine taught me the real meaning of life, I slept less, eat less, learn to say no, and being immune to poo and puke.( I will not write anything about Mr. Andy since he don’t allowed me to tell the WORLD about us, Thank you for being a fun husband and father!.

I learned a lot about myself from you, I learned that I’m even more stubborn than I previously thought. I learned that I can dig myself out of worse situations than I thought. I learned that I’m strong. I learned how to cook from you, how to tell a good joke, how to make friends. I learned tolerance, both of people and of Hantu. I learned that forgiveness is more that holding a grudge. Sometimes it’s ok to drop out of things, give up on things, give it less than my best. Sometimes I don’t have to care about every single thing. I learned that I’m fine with walking away sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.

Twenties, thanks for everything that you’ve given my future. I’ve accepted the passing of my twenties now and learned to embrace my thirties with confidence and humor and of cause “amal soleh”.

P/S : I always wanna go to Jannah! Semoga Allah menerima semua amalanku!