Friday, October 1, 2010

Love is Ibu.....

  1. Love is cleaning the stain on the bed sheet, changing the pyjamas, give them ventolin, Zyrtex and Prospan in the middle of the night, then again at 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m.
  2. Love is putting fish ball on anything as long as they'll eat it!
  3. Love knows how to disguise vegetables 30 different ways.
  4. Love is reading the same bedtime story for the 999th time.
  5. Love is a hug around the knees.
  6. Love is buying RM10 durian at every pasar malam
  7. Love is watching, knowing, buying Ultraman
  8. Love is dukung Amna all the way at Shopping complex
  9. Love is not frown through the dirtiest of diapers
  10. Love is matching baju kurung for this coming raya
  11. Love is the magic kiss that heals all owies
  12. Love is a cuddly kid in a blanket sleeper.
  13. Love is the first kick, first smile, first laugh, first step, first anything.
  14. Love is for all the making up stories in the bathroom…(abang tau x semalam kan ibu jumpa crocodile makan elephant!)
  15. Love is carrying them down the stairs to make them comfortable
  16. Love is your child pointing to a picture of Sharifah Eja and saying “ni ibu kan”
  17. Love is your child sound asleep, any child sound asleep.
  18. Love is animal’s stories and animal planet.
  19. Love is wearing the stain and smell of puke on your top with pride
  20. Love is how to get rid the euuuwww smell with febreez
  21. Love is a CalciYum, a Chuppa Cup kiss, a chocolate kiss, any kind of kiss.
  22. Love is when Cosmos and Gaia replace Tom Cruise & Richard Gere as your most admired men. Oh Remy Ishak!
  23. Love is not worrying about those few extra pounds cuz they make you cuddlier.
  24. Love is still eating while Amna puke on the dining table
  25. Love is the smell of a baby's neck.
  26. Love is hot pants and Ben 10
  27. Love is KLCC, tunnel and parking lot
  28. Love is twinkle twinkle lil star
  29. Love is saying no at the right times when it is easier to say yes.
  30. Love is saying yes at the right times when it's easier to say no

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