Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Friday Friends!.

There are a few wishes that i have listed for you my dear friends and haters!
  1. I wish for you to eat something delicious
  2. I wish your kids will kiss you on your cheeck and say " i love you soo much mommy"( Raeez normally said "Saaaayang ibu banyak sangat besar macam cloud")
  3. I wish that you’ll give-and-receive a great hug.
  4. I wish an old long lost friend will come to you and said "you looking good"
  5. I wish you will get a great big laugh from something very funny and suprising
  6. I wish you can leave some comments on my blog (haha)
  7. I wish you can settle all your PTPTN or study loan ASAP (insaff!)
  8. I wish you can enjoy your weekends with the love one.
  9. i wish you to perform your solat on time (insafff juga!)
  10. I wish you can forgive someone today and feel good about it.
  11. i wish you can vanish all cicak, lipas, nyamuk in your house so you can live happily ever after
  12. I wish you can fart in public without nobody notice...
  13. I wish you to fall in love with your partner forever.
  14. I wish you to feel good about yourself regardless of the critics.
  15. I wish you to still uphold to your principles.
  16. I wish you to be able to cook your family favourite menu's!
  17. I wish you to still remember the good old time memories you spend with your parents and family
  18. I wish for you to have a great food massage.
  19. I wish you manage to buy something that you want for so long
  20. I wish and pray to Allah that He forgives the wrong that we do.
P/S : I love you!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Anonymous

  1. You have always try to be nice to me, but i dont have to like you. You are not a good person.
  2. I am polite to you because you are my my )(*& but i dont trust you even a little bit.
  3. I know each and every step of your plan and am just pretending stupid
  4. You are a good mother and i hope you realize that....
  5. We been talking about your physical look more than before and we give name to each one of you too.
  6. If you keep telling people that you know everything. try public speaking!
  7. Pretending that your son doesn’t have any problems is hurting, not helping, him.
  8. If you think commenting on somebody weight as a good way to start the conversation, you are wrong!
  9. You are beautiful enough to remind everybody you aren't beautiful, people use to get annoyed when a beautiful lady says she is not beautiful.
  10. Please stop tagging me on facebook, i add you because i just like window online shopping, i can't afford to buy everything. (this message is execeptional for
  11. I know you can cook 876 menus, so what?
  12. Please watch "Hantu kak Limah balik rumah" with me :) i'll love you more.
  13. Spending a lot of money to your Alma Prada bag while you leaving in a Jet Flat is like showing the world that you are financially blonde!.....
  14. oh oh i can hear you say i'm jealous, i look like i care?
  15. You are one of the important person in my life. I wish the best to you.
  16. Can we celebrate 2011 mother's Day together?
  17. If you want to be sexy make sure you are not fall under the category which people can obviously see you dark color cleavage, armpit or your selulit. That is so Gulppp! (menutup aurat kan lebih manis)
  18. I hope that Allah will help you to find your way. I really care. yes i am.
  19. Appreciate your wife people and stop flirting on Facebook!
  20. I know you will hate me for this post. tapi ada kak limah kisah?
P/S : i love to be Malaysian!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Me & ex boyfriend 5th Anniversary

Tomorrow on 2/12/2010 my ex boyfriend (Mr.Andy) and I will have been married for five years. We’ve been together for eight years total.

That’s more than a quarter of my life. Wow!

My life has changed in so many ways since and because Mr. Andy and I are married. I watch PGA Tour games now. I cheer for the golfers. I know the names of the Golf Course and the price too (this is so booooooooooooooooooo!). I know which is Lin Danand which is Chong Wei (buta sukan!) I ate Tempoyak and ikan sungai, I know about Ventolin inhaler, there are little things too, like we bought houses and have Raeez and Amna the greatest achievement ever!

Mr. Andy and I disagree, and we do fight sometimes, and when we fight we really really fight! But Mr. Andy makes me laugh. All the time. At stupid things like radio commercial, the sales girl, the special gift etc. We like to imagine weird things too (it’s ok i keep it secret Mr. Andy). We are very different, but we can always make each other laugh, and I think we’ll always have that.

I just hope that me and Mr.Andy will be in love forever, and may enter the Jannah together as he always said “kalau sebab awak abang masuk neraka siap awak!” huhuhuhu i just dont wanna be a good mother i wanna be a good wife too........

Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful.

P/S : maybe I’ll write a romantic post “gunung sanggup kudaki lautan sanggup ku renangi at our 10th anniversary”


Friday, October 1, 2010

Confession time....

  1. 'm overweight.....
  2. i hide some of my friend on facebook....
  3. i'm so tired of two faced people....
  4. i gossip more now....~this is not good, Mr. Andy once says : "can you just mind your own business z!"
  5. I hate skinny jeans. Mostly because I will never have the body to wear them.
  6. i hate nasi lemak....
  7. mok'ku cafe makes me smell like tuna....
  8. i hate my job....
  9. i am demotivated....
  10. i never watch and have zero interest over twilight....
  11. i miss ronnie, amoi, naddu si gila, ayu, mas, ria, zana, jieha and all my gals so much!
  12. i wish i can be a fulltime housewife!
  13. i ate the whole jar of kuih semprit all by myself....thanks to my SIL....
  14. Hearing someone use the words “dowh” or “tak boleh blah” aloud makes me want to punch myself in the ear repeatedly.
  15. i think i can sing better than someone i know....hahahahhahahahahhaha...~WTF~
  16. i hate IIUM new signage.......
  17. i love my ex boyfriend (Mr. Andy) more and more now...
  18. don't tell me that petai is gross, I will probably never forgive you for it.I find it horribly rude....
  19. i wish i have the kiss-ass skills!
  20. anything you need to confess lately?

Ramadhan 1431 hari ke 15....

Semalam di Bazar Ramadhan aku memberikan raeez beberapa ringgit untuk diberikankan kepada orang2 kurang upaya yang ada pada hari tu, RM2 yg pertama raeez sedekah pada seorg "atok" buta yang bermain gendang sambil menyanyi "Bila Izrael datang memanggil jasad terbujur di pembaringan"..... dia berjalan dan masih mencari cari untuk siapa lagi diberikan duit yang kuberikan padanya, RM1 diberikan kepada rumah anak yatim (akupum krang pasti) tak sempat membaca tulisannya. kami berjalan berselang membeli beberapa juadah untuk berbuka puasa, sampai di hujung jalan raeez memandang aku kemudian memandang seorang nenek tua bertudung hitam sambil bermain gendang, aku menganggukkan kepala tanda membenarkan dia memberikan beberapa ringgit terakhir yang masih ada di tangan, Raeez kemudianya memasukkan duit itu kedalam tabung duit nenek itu sambil memandang tepat dalam jarat lebih kurang satu jengkal ke dari muka nenek itu sambil berkata " ibu mana mata nenek ibu" aku mulanya diam, takut takut kalau nenek tu terasa hati, dia bertanya lagi "ibu mana mata nenek ibu , nenek tak ada matalah ibu, ibu tengoklah!" suamiku pantas menarik tangan raeez, tapi raeez masih tidak berpuas hati kerana tiada jawapan dari ayah dan ibu. Dia menolak tangan ayahnya lalu pergi lagi pada nenek tadi dan bertanya (dalam jarak yang sangat dekat) "nenek, mana mata nenek" nenek tua itu menjawap " nenek buta cu" raeez yg masih kurang jelas maksud buta terdiam, lalu nenek tua tu berkata lagi "nenek tak ada mata" raeez dengan selamba menjawab "Syian nenek tak ada mata kan ibu. ibu bagilah nenek ni mata kenapa kita bagi duit, bagilah nenek ni mata ibu!" aku sangat buntu, jawapan apalah yang nak bagi pada raeez ni...lalu aku berkata " Raeez ibu tak boleh bagi nenek mata sebab Allah yang bagi manusia mata" Raeez bertanya lagi "Kenapa Allah tak bagi nenek ni mata ibu, Allah tak sayang nenek ni ke?"......"Raeez Allah sayang semua orang cuma Allah tak bagi nenek tu mata supaya ada orang macam raeez (yang ada mata) boleh tolong dia, dan Allah sayang Raeez lebih banyak sebab Raeez bersedekah pada nenek tu...." dia terdiam mungkin berpuas hati dengan jawapan dariku......." Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:Maksudnya: “Siapa yang sanggup mendinding dirinya daripada api neraka walaupun dengan (bersedekah) sebelah buah kurma,maka hendaklah dia lakukan.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim). Semoga satu hari nanti Raeez menjadi anak yang soleh, dan boleh jadi imam besar, penyejuk hati ibu dan ayah.......

The Happy List...

My Happy List! (not in particular order)

1.Raeez Iyaad, Amna Nafeesa, Syaffandi Shahrom
2.The smell of babies
3.Family and Friends
4.Seeing Raeez and Amna growing up
5.Snuggling with my love on
6.Talking and gossiping with my friends my SIL and MIL
10.Making people Laugh
11.Watching my Favorite movie/TV show
12.Taking pictures
13.Finally eating something that I’ve been eating all days
14.Buying something I deserve
15.Being told that I look beautiful (muntah jika mahu!)
17.Green Frog
18.School Mates
20.Adam Sandler
21.Richard Gear
22.Russsel David
23.Sheila on Tujuh
26.Beauty product
29.Perfumes (on someone else gadis, pakcik makcik, jejaka dan lain2 yang wangi)
30.Wrote a inspiring or stupid or merepek comments on someone else wall
32.Oprah Winfrey
33.Having a coworker help me laugh my way into a better mood….(Kerana Kerani!)
37.Seeing others happy
38.Being good to haters
39.Being able to control my anger
40.Online Shop
41.Kenny Rogers Delivery (this is new!)
42.Sea Food
43.Laksa Johor
47.Full Moon! (MasyaAllah)
48.ARCian (yes you guys always makes me happy! now, then and forever! Sila terharu!)
49.Going to sleep
50.Big Handbag
51.Big Sunglasses
52.Having a good serious visionary futuristic talk with my Mr. Hubby!
53. Half Cook egg for breakfast
54.Foot Massage….
56.asam pedas mak
58.Bubur Kacang Durian
59.Dancing with Amna and Raeez alone singing Lam sam sam or koko jumbo
60.Story time with niece and nephews!
61.Fresh air
62.Baju Baru
63.That “clean feeling” after shower
64.Hari Raya
65.Sweet Dreams
66.Receiving and giving a gift
67.Having money to spend
68.Pictures frame
70.Taking my shoes of when its hurts
72.Finishing my work
73.Clear blue sky
74.Finally drinking something I’ve being craving all days
76.Silly things
77.Jokes (Lawak Gadis particularly)
78.Making people smile
79.Knowing that I’ve achieved something (little things counts!)
80.New comments!

i just realize that there is many things that makes me happy! and maybe there is a lot more that i've being miss off.......i'm sure you have alot too.....stop whinning, complaiingng and moaning because you never know how happy you are! i've share mine what is yours.....

My Mak Lampir list....

  1. Dealing with super selfish irresponsible professional so call senior colleague
  2. being responsible for somebody's unfinish work or duty
  3. Liar
  4. Being chase by kitten :P
  5. Dealin with stupid people doing stupid things with stupid reason and stupid stupid ~version sudah insaf~
  6. Being call sister Ruzielah sister Ruzielah on Friday, 5.25pm
  7. Dealing with parents who questioned about his or her son achievement and blame us for everything
  8. having the mee kari spilled on my tudung while heving breakfast.
  9. Dealing with two faced and the lick ass and dumb butt people ~version hati sangat panas~
  10. Being insulted for wearing BATA and Jukebox......~haha and ha~
  11. Falling on the staircase while helping hot sexy girl wearing 6 inch heels....
  12. Being the middle of attention!
  13. Being weight more than the refrigirator
  14. Being judge by haters!
  15. Being chase by nenek kebayan, puntianak (version rambut ada daun kering melekat) -mimpi-
  16. Being fool by the love one
  17. Being red
  18. somehow walking in the rain with no umbrella....
  19. Being place in a cage with either Anwar Ibrahim or angry gorilla ~the stupid and no more idea version~

People, i guess i'm not suited with the sooo call budak bandar……

  1. I am not urbanI think wearing hot pants with high-tops is annoying, not edgy. ~ lagi lagi masa tengok wayang midnite (meremang bulu peha kaki kiri akak)
  2. I don’t have an iPhone, and I’m not a high-tech person
  3. I speak malay like my mak and nenek... ~most so call town gal cakap melayu sheshausheshau
  4. I'm not skinny, and i dont wear skinny jeans...
  5. I don’t buy expensive clothes, bags, or shoes because I’m not into it and i spill, split, and lost my things a lot ~sorry syarim~
  6. i don’t have Woofer voice… you know so call call city gal like attention soo much..."eh you know i ikut my mum pegi London last week, i shop giler banyak, my mum pun sama, heh bila you pakai ipad ni, I pun nak suruh my dad beli, next week we all nak pegi Uganda nak beli iPhone 4G 21 biji…you nak kirim tak? ....blablabla....~noted: with sheshausheshau slang~…… …Volume mengalahkan suara azan subuh! “you ni funny lah bebeh….(sambil gelak macam puntianak)and pintal pintal rambut ala ala seksi……
  7. I don’t wear huge glasses (this is optional because i always want to.....
  8. I wear baju kurung at work ~cheh tak korporat langsung~
  9. I know nothing about the latest hot popular song……~apalah k.ila ni lagi ni popularlah sekarang….~
  10. I don’t know how to download movie and never care to download songs online…~sangat IT savvy lah you ni!~


Love is Ibu.....

  1. Love is cleaning the stain on the bed sheet, changing the pyjamas, give them ventolin, Zyrtex and Prospan in the middle of the night, then again at 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m.
  2. Love is putting fish ball on anything as long as they'll eat it!
  3. Love knows how to disguise vegetables 30 different ways.
  4. Love is reading the same bedtime story for the 999th time.
  5. Love is a hug around the knees.
  6. Love is buying RM10 durian at every pasar malam
  7. Love is watching, knowing, buying Ultraman
  8. Love is dukung Amna all the way at Shopping complex
  9. Love is not frown through the dirtiest of diapers
  10. Love is matching baju kurung for this coming raya
  11. Love is the magic kiss that heals all owies
  12. Love is a cuddly kid in a blanket sleeper.
  13. Love is the first kick, first smile, first laugh, first step, first anything.
  14. Love is for all the making up stories in the bathroom…(abang tau x semalam kan ibu jumpa crocodile makan elephant!)
  15. Love is carrying them down the stairs to make them comfortable
  16. Love is your child pointing to a picture of Sharifah Eja and saying “ni ibu kan”
  17. Love is your child sound asleep, any child sound asleep.
  18. Love is animal’s stories and animal planet.
  19. Love is wearing the stain and smell of puke on your top with pride
  20. Love is how to get rid the euuuwww smell with febreez
  21. Love is a CalciYum, a Chuppa Cup kiss, a chocolate kiss, any kind of kiss.
  22. Love is when Cosmos and Gaia replace Tom Cruise & Richard Gere as your most admired men. Oh Remy Ishak!
  23. Love is not worrying about those few extra pounds cuz they make you cuddlier.
  24. Love is still eating while Amna puke on the dining table
  25. Love is the smell of a baby's neck.
  26. Love is hot pants and Ben 10
  27. Love is KLCC, tunnel and parking lot
  28. Love is twinkle twinkle lil star
  29. Love is saying no at the right times when it is easier to say yes.
  30. Love is saying yes at the right times when it's easier to say no

Surat untuk ayah..

written on April 2010 on my FB notes:

Assalammualaikum Ayah,

ila tulis surat ini atas dasar rindu yang besarnya hanya tuhan yang tahu...

ila salah tak pernah menulis atau mengirim apa-apa surat pun pada ayah semasa hayat ayah masih ada,

mungkin ayah tak pernah meminta tapi sebagai anak ila yang harus memberi,

tahukah ayah ila sangat rindu saat, cium tangan ayah setiap kali pergi dan pulang sekolah, setiap kali pergi dan balik mengaji, setiap kali masuk dan keluar rumah, setiap kali pulang ke johor....

ila rindu suara ayah setiap kali ayah bagi salam di telefon, sungguh suara itu amat istimewa...

ayah, ila tahu ila dulu ila selalu buat ayah marah, tapi semakin dewasa ila buktikan pada ayah yang ila akan berubah, dan ila tahu ayah bangga dengan ila.ila tahu setiap kali ayah memaksa kami belajar sebab ayah nak kami melebihi pencapaian ayah, secara jujurnya ayah setiap kali rotan dilibas di badan akibat kedegilan ila, setiap kali ila marahkan ayah, ila dendam, tapi semakin dewasa ila tahu kerana rotan itulah ila jadi ila hari ini...

ketika ayah menengking meninggi suarapada ila di depan orang ramai hanya sebab tidak menunduk ketika melintasi orang yang lebih tua, ila malu tapi ila tahu ayah nak ajarkan ila lebih hormat pada orang tua dan menjadi orang yang lebih baik....ila tahu mungkin ayah bukanya ayah yang mempunyai pekerjaan yang terbaik yang boleh memenuhi kehendak anak-anak ayah dari segi material, tapi ayah ila amat-amat bersyukur sebab bukan kerana materialah ila dapat menikmati kesederhanaan, dan ila tahu sederhana itu indah...nasihat dan ajaran ayah melebihi dari segala harta di dunia ni..... seingat ila ayah tak pernah bagi ila hadiah untuk setiap hari jadi atau kejayaan ila, ila pun tak tahu sama ada ayah ingat ataupun tidak, secara jujurnya ila tak pernah berkecil hati ayah, dan itulah sebabnya ila menjadi orang yang tidak pernah mengharap pada apa-apapun sebagai balasan kasih sayang...sayang tak dinilai dari hadiah dan material kan ayah....kasih dan sayang ayah ada dalam diri ila sampai sekarang ila dapat rasakan ayah..

ayah mungkin apa yang anak2 ayah kecapi hari ni masih bukan yang terbaik, tapi ila harap semua doa ayah pada anak2 ayah tercapai...walaupun ayah tak ada di sini untuk meraikan bersama tapi ila harap apa yang kami cuba buktikan akan membuat ayah tersenyum di sana... di syurga...ila nak ayah tahu yang ila sayang ayah dan ila sangat rindukan ayah...

semoga ayah bersemadi dengan tenang dan bersama orang orang yang beriman...

Al fatihah buat ayah saya - Abd Rahim bin Mohd Janis.....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Mak's Gems of Wisdom

“Jangan tunjuk budak tu depan cermin nanti dia gagap” it was immediately after this advice I decided to filter most everything of mak wisdom of thought. Did your mum’s tell you not to cut your nails at a nighttime, they never explained to you the reason, but you just can’t do it because they said so and their mum’s (our nenek said so too…). My nenek use to say “anak si esah sorang ni selalu tak nak dengar orang tua cakap” as I always refuse to obey any of her advice.

For a while I avoided mak and nenek advice but one day when my nephew cuts his finger while playing at the broken mirror I realized that there must be a reason behind the do’s and the don’t that been command by them.. When something happen against their commandment the will burst any of us (my siblings) with their enchanted word “kan aku dah kata…….”. Since then mak has come through for me time after time, offering me ‘in’valuable words of wisdom. I have to face the fact that my mak child rearing knowledge has comes from years of hands on experience taking care the eight of us (I always proud of my mak)

Since the basics of raising child haven’t change since 100 years ago. They still sleep (if you are lucky enough….) , they still need food (although sometimes they smash and throw it on the floor), they still need the strive for love (comolot in my case!), they still pee and poo and puke, pick up every little things on the floor (I really meant teeny tiny things like bugs and lima sen coints) and leave you exhausted with worry ( the whole paragraph sound sooooo adventure kan…). So its seems to me that I can benefit from the experience our own mother (mak, umi, ibu, mummy, abu (for amna only)) accumulated.

Listed below is my Mak Gems of motherly thought :-

1. Jangan bawa baby keluar waktu senja nanti demam

2. Jangan tunjuk sangat baby kita ( in any formlah) dlm gambar ke, jalan-jalan . Mak kata nanti nanti baby tu sakit demam sebab selalu dipuji (dimata mata ) orang. (i know this sound sooo apakah! since i upload most of amna and raeez picture at FB and lets people say alallalalallala gerammmmnya)

3. Jangan tegur kalau anak kita debab (simpan dlm hati jek) sebab nanti badan dia susut.

4. Jangan mandikan baby pagi-pagi sangat sebab nanti batuk ( i kinda agree with this)

5. Letak paku atau gunting atau anything yg tajam bawah bantal baby yang masih dalam pantang sebab nanti hantu setan takut.

P/S - Yes my mak and nenek is typical malay. me too....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Common Things people said to me kat rumah orang kawin

here come the list :-

1. awak anak siapa? it easy to explain when my mak beside me, i can just point at her, tapi kalau pegi rumah cousin my MIL, its really hard to explain, the description part become harder when you didnt know the person who ask...

2. dulu sekeping je awak...sekarang...

3. Dah kawin ke? (amna tengah menyusu on my nap and raeez is pulling my baju)

4. oh dah boleh pakai kebaya dah...(hahaha so funny)

5. Ya Allah lainnya kau sekarang (as if i'm Anita Sarawak)

6. ni husband awak ye (pointed at my elder brother) apakah!

7. o awak anak cik yem ye kita x kenal awak sangat sebab masa kecik awak....

8. awak yang dulu2 masa kecik rambut besar tu kan (this is so haha and haha)

9. awak ni cousin saya kan? (emmm adakah?...hahahha)

10. husband awak orang mana?

11. dah dapat dah bunga telur?, dah tengok bilik pengantin?, dah tengok pelamin? pegilah amik gambar dengan pengantin (perlukah? hummmm....

12. ni nak kenalkan ni makcik *&^#&# sedara kita sebelah*&^%$ nenek dia dgn sepupu mak awak*#&#"#"& anak2 awak ikut muka siapa ni ? (huummmm, lil bit offensive question ni)

14. taik lalat awak bukan kat dagu sebelah kanan ke? (ye saya memindahkanya mengikut kesesuaian waktu)

15.dah jumpa mak pengantin ke...(untuk?...)

The Trying so hard list...

i know a couple of people who constantly suffer from Trying Too Hard, and it is kind of difficult for me to be around. Trying Too Hard comes in many forms, including :-

1. Trying so hard to be funny that you’re not

2. Trying so hard to fit into the family that you don’t, and trying so hard to be cool that you’re not

3.Trying too hard to look filthy rich while u are not

4. Trying so hard wearing Gucci, Prada and LV while you using the most credilt limit of your credit card...hahaha...

5. Trying so hard to look happy while you are sad (sometimes be good)

6. Trying so hard to overdress their kids with branded cloth while at the end of the month they will miss some of the bills....

7. Trying so hard to look in love while they are in the middle of crisis...

8. Trying so hard to look innocent while you are having an affair with another girl...

9. Trying so hard to be "siqah" while they post in their uncovered aurah in you FB album

10. Trying so hard to give advice that might hurt others....

"why are trying so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out" — Oliver James if there is any of my writing hurts you literally or melancholicly (apakah) please ignore that feeling because you just trying so hard to hate me while you are not...hahhahahah....

The Good and the bad

Good : K.farah came and clean the house, she is awesome!
Bad : my desk is a MESS....files and papers and letters and forms and ultraman are all over the place....

Good : I wore “Bata” shoes comfortably! I bought the same “bata” shoes again and again....
Bad : some people think wearing “bata” is cheapskate :P ... i dont give a damn about what people say as long as i have my so call “pemanis taik lalat” by my dagu...”apakah” (some will hate this statement i know)...but do i look like i care?

Bad : Raeez ask me for kopi janda! “ibu abang nak kopi janda”
Good : when I ask raeez “abg janda tu apa” He said “janda tu teh kan ibu” it’s good enough for me to hear that from my 3 going to 4 years son….

Good : Mr. Andy bought me bouquet of carnation…”apakah!”
Bad : Raeez smashed the carnation on the wall :P

Good : I ate at nasi kandar line clear yesterday at Penang, layan beb…..
Bad : the smells sticks more than my perfume

Good : I sang “goyang inul” quite well now…
Bad : my SIL sang (and goyang gerudi) better, “apakah”

Good : didn’t trip or fall all day
Bad : i miss all my uni girlfriends – amoi, nadya, ronnie, k.ayam, ayu & anggun si gila....

Good : still alive
Bad : Delaying prayers... "Ampunkan saya ya Allah"

List of thing i wish i can say outloud at the driving range

1. golf is a waste of good land

2. All of you is a bunch of boroi men!

3. korang main sepak raga pun boleh berpeluh tau!

4. why waste my time? (this is personal)

5. i wish i can trade your golf set with a new diamond ring.....

6. Please dont talk about handicap with me coz i dont give a darn!

7. golf is just similar as having an affair with another women...

8. why do you need putters, wood or iron just to hit the small white stupid

9. 100 stupid white small balls makes me sick and you adding amother 100 OMF!

10. golfers smell like stinky fish

11. alo is night time why do you still wear your smelly unwashable cap...

12. pakcik i'm married! n husband saya pun tengah main pukul bola yang bodoh itu....

13. suka ati sayalah sy nak tutup idung bila korang jalan, korang si boroi yg busuk...

14. 50 yard...60 yard , 100 yard... pooooorrrrahhhhhhh......aku baling pun sampai...

15. wasting...wasting...wasting...huhuhhuhu of for now....he finish with 100 biji bola......ada plak org suggest another 100...aku pukul kang pakcik ni ngan kayu golf....

35 Things i wish/have to do before i turn 35

1. Sponsor Mak, Nenek, Mama(MIL), Ayah(FIL), kak lin pegi Umrah or Haji

2. Learn to read quran with taranum and tajwid

3. 500k of saving accounts (really mean saving account)

4. 5 days 4 nite vacation with my girlfriends - Ronnie, K.ayam, Amoi, K, CT,Mas, Linda, Jieha, Ojie, Ria 5. Climb Kinabalu (its a must)

6. get pregnant with twins

7. Attending Raeez and Amna best Student Award

8. Bake my own cookies

9. make my own rendang, ketupat, jeruk petai and ikan pekasam

10. stop straightened my hair.

11. Lasic surgery or wear a contact lens

13. manage to settle my PTPTN loan.

14. Learn how to belly dance, salsa and tango

15. quit my job

16. write my own blog

17. flat tummy, hot body like Angelina Jolie

18. Drive my own BMW

19. Learn a foreign language

20. have my own childcare center (i love children soo much)

21. get paid and doing nothing

22. Have my own tahfiz centre

23. memorize all the juz 'amma by heart a good friends of my enemy and haters

25. watch all P. Ramlee film

26. cook with Chef Wan

27. SKII

28. climb moutains with my ARCian

29. sew my own or my lil amna baju kurung

30. make a short movie and post it at youtube

31. have my own DSLR camera and take a good picture

32. performing my 5 time prayer on time

33. love and always in love with Mr. Andy

34. strictly recycle and get green 35. still alive

List of Thing that i never said outloud!

List of things I haven’t said out loud. Maybe I should have said some of these things, maybe it’s good that I didn’t, but here they are without any further commentary. Just get the ideas from one of the bloggers:0 1.

I wish I never add you at my facebook

2. This is ALL YOUR FAULT.

3. “saya rasa ustaz yang patut bersujud untuk buat keputusan bukan saya”

4. I made the mistake of trusting you, but I won’t make that mistake with you again.

5. You think that I was really rude to you, but I was actually trying my absolute hardest to be polite to you even though I hate you.

6. I am purposely don’t reply to your ASAP email and don’t pick up your phone because you are sucks!

7. “saya peduli apa kalau awak sakit jantung pun”

8. I wish I had ignored you.

9. I wish I hadn’t been afraid to share more of myself with you.

10. I wish your kids poop in her most loveable dress.

11. I’m not sorry for disliking you, but I am sorry for being so mean to you

12. I know you will not pass the subject even you sit for special exam.

13. I think your kid is weird too.

14. Because you are allowed to transfer more than 6 subject from your diploma doesn’t mean you are clever than others.
15. Please don’t “mencapap” at my office.

16. You are so annoying Dr.! Please don’t ask about bonus anymore.

17. “I wish i can fail all Singaporean students, because you guys are so Kiasu... 18. Your kebab smell like “ketiak...”

19. Dr. ****** please get out from my office because you are so smelly!

20. I’m sorry I blamed you, even though it was my fault.

Confession of a Tired ibu!

I know I'm not the only mom that has experienced and felt some of the things you'll read about. I'm hoping my confessions will help and encourage each other that we are not alone. Women, since the dawn of time, have experienced the challenges and rewards of motherhood...and we are no different today.

1. I confess that I try to start each day in a good mood, but sometimes that starts sliding during the first few minutes of interaction with my husband, my children and my maid…..

2. I confess that I hate the boss of my husband and work more than anything else in this world….(not the time when she gave him a good damn bonus)

3. I confess that I wondered that my lil Raez (3yrs old) would ever get potty trained….

4. I confess that most of the time I think I’m not a good mother for letting my maid bathing my children…

5. I confess that that I purposely go to work just to get a few hours of relaxation…

6. I confess that I miss my pre-child moments….(selfish me)…. I confess that I cried a few times today in front of my colleague because I felt so restless and lifeless….

7. I confess that I love and appreciate my mother more now… I confess that I really respect and admire all mommies around the world as motherhood is the most challenging work on earth …

8. I confess that climbing mountains is much easier than take care of my asthmatics duo….(even not Trans Titiwangsa)

9. I confess that I try so hard to be a good mother until I forget that I have a helper at home…

10. I confess that I love my children more than I love my husband and even myself…

11. I confess that I love the fact that I take care of my children than my maid…..

12. I confess that I lost a few Kg after one week restless night….

13. I confess that I am emotionally and physically tired….

14. I confess that i love my confession...