Friday, October 1, 2010

Confession time....

  1. 'm overweight.....
  2. i hide some of my friend on facebook....
  3. i'm so tired of two faced people....
  4. i gossip more now....~this is not good, Mr. Andy once says : "can you just mind your own business z!"
  5. I hate skinny jeans. Mostly because I will never have the body to wear them.
  6. i hate nasi lemak....
  7. mok'ku cafe makes me smell like tuna....
  8. i hate my job....
  9. i am demotivated....
  10. i never watch and have zero interest over twilight....
  11. i miss ronnie, amoi, naddu si gila, ayu, mas, ria, zana, jieha and all my gals so much!
  12. i wish i can be a fulltime housewife!
  13. i ate the whole jar of kuih semprit all by myself....thanks to my SIL....
  14. Hearing someone use the words “dowh” or “tak boleh blah” aloud makes me want to punch myself in the ear repeatedly.
  15. i think i can sing better than someone i know....hahahahhahahahahhaha...~WTF~
  16. i hate IIUM new signage.......
  17. i love my ex boyfriend (Mr. Andy) more and more now...
  18. don't tell me that petai is gross, I will probably never forgive you for it.I find it horribly rude....
  19. i wish i have the kiss-ass skills!
  20. anything you need to confess lately?


. said...
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Centado said...

itu maknanya,
anda semakin dewasa dan semakin menuju kesempurnaan

Anonymous said...

Para 11.

U dont even missed me! How pathetic am i? sob! sob!!

Yes, im just Miss Anonymous.

i is for ibu said...

Anggun, si gila i know its you.....i love you :P

Anonymous said...

How about me if its all about Angguns, and Ronnies...?
Maybe somemore im not your considered "friend".

Wish u all the best from The Almighty. U still my friend, dear Ila..

Anonymous said...

alalalala bucuk2 miss anonymous, jgnla majuk...ila kan ckp all her gals...kalu nk sebut nama sorg2 pnjg plak list nye...;)

Anonymous said...

Ala2 ila ni mujuk2 busyuk2 pulak...
walaweii..apakah la ila ni...